Sunday, January 8, 2012

Word Up!

     Sometime in 2010, I read a book in which all the characters picked a word to focus on for the year.  I loved the idea so much that I chose a word in 2011.  My word last year was "better".  I do think that things in my life got better.  I did have ups and downs like we all do, but overall, I think that I came out of the year better than when it started.

     My word for 2012 is "Healthy".  I want to apply healthy to all aspects of my life in the coming year.  I have some specific goals in mind already.   I know that as the year progresses, I will find other ways to incorporate healthy into my life.  Most people think of healthy and only apply to the physical aspect of life.  I want to stretch my understanding of the word as much as possible in 2012.

      I want to start with the obvious...I want my family to be physically healthy this year.  Jim and I are both seeing a doctor to get physicals.  Delainey will get her checkup after her birthday.  I am serious this year about getting more physical activity in my life.  Whether is is a walk in the park or a dance party at home, I will in Delainey's words "move it, move it".

     I also want to eat healthy this year--less processed foods, more local foods.  That means cooking at home more often, shopping at the farmer's market when it is open, canning my own produce.  I have got a great source for local eggs, beef, and pork.  I need to find local chicken to eat next.  I watched Food Inc, last year and it really changed how I feel about buying meat and eggs at the grocery store.  I love the difference the local food!

     I have been reading and planning on ways to get our family's finances in a healthier place this year.  Budgets are not my favorite thing, but I am working on ways to help us stick to them.  That means I can't just go shopping because I want to.....I need to start going to the store with a list of what I need and stick to that list.  No more buying things that I don't need whenever I want.  A splurge is okay now and then, but I need to start sticking to my budget.

     My last big area to focus on health is my spiritual health.  I still haven't found a church in our new town yet.  I really miss my church from home.  Luckily, I am able to visit often, but a monthly visit is not enough.  I need to find a church home for my family to keep us all growing.  My church keeps me grounded and gives me support.  I know that I will find a place, but I am really going to make it a priority this year.

     Healthy....such a small word, but I know there are big plans for me wrapped up in that one word!

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