Friday, January 1, 2021

The Word is...

My word for 2021 hasn't been an easy process.  Some years, I just know that the word is right.  Other years I pick a word and doesn't fit.  I struggled.  I found a worksheet that asks questions and lists goals that I have for the upcoming year.  I thought about reusing of my favorite words ever.  It didn't feel right.  I have used the word intentional before and that's one that kept coming back to me.  I began to look at synonyms for intentional.  Some of the those are good words: determined, deliberate, willing, calculated, intended, conscious.

The dictionary became my friend next in the process.  Determined-make a firm decision and not change...sounds to rigid for my word.  Deliberate-unhurried and methodical, done on purpose...close to what I want.  Willing-done or given readily or gladly...sounds good.  Calculate sounds to much like math.  Intended makes me think of marriage.  Conscious is to hard to say and spell (seriously a thought for me).  Maybe I need to switch gears.

My next list of words in my journal:  Fearless-nope, not the year for that.  Focus-a reused word again.  Mindful-conscious or aware of something, focusing awareness on the present moment...good one. Commit-be dedicated.  Strive-make great efforts to achieve...I like this.  Believe-to accept as true...I like this, but it isn't feeling right.  Journey-a long and difficult process of personal change...scary!

I kept marking no on words as I would read and pray over them.  I brought my list down to four:  Deliberate, Willing, Commit, Strive.  They all have similar meanings and applications, but one just kept standing out due to one word in the definition...gladly.  I do things that are the "right" thing to do, but do I always do them in the right frame of mind?  Do I do things gladly?  

done, given, etc., readily or gladly

Because of that one word, gladly, Willing is my word for 2021.  I want to live in the year doing or giving gladly.  I want to be a willing participant in what is happening to me and around me.  I feel like I have often let things happen and just gone with the flow of life, which isn't a bad thing,  but I want to be willing to make the changes that I feel are necessary for me.  I want make those changes gladly!

Stay tuned.  One of the things that I want to do this year is write.  Writing about my word tends to keep my accountable.  I have a goal sheet sheet that I am hoping will help me focus this year.  As always, I have people in my life who help keep me accountable and on the right path!  Here's to 2021, the year of being willing!

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