Saturday, June 13, 2015

Share Your Story!

     "Tell it to your children,
and let your children tell it their children,
and their children to the next generation."
Joel 1:3

     A few weeks ago, I attended the 2015 Indiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church as a representative of my church.  The theme for the conference was "Share Your Story".  Several people shared their stories with everyone.  Stories of new churches starting, stories of ordination of new pastors, stories of retiring pastors, stories of why we were at Conference.  We were all encouraged to share our stories with each other.  We got stickers to wear that say "I have a story to tell".  Of course, if you had that sticker on, it meant the someone might ask you what's your story!

     I overheard several people saying the same thing that I was thinking.  Do I have a story?  

     Jim and I  have been watching the TV miniseries called AD and are attending a Bible study based on the show. One of the featured people is Saul.  Saul has a story.  He once persecuted the early Christians.  One the way to Damascus, he spoke with Jesus and was blinded.  After three days, his sight was restored and he become filled with the Holy Spirit.  Saul spread the story of Jesus throughout many places.  Thar's a story!  Another "big" story is the one that Lazarus had to tell.  Lazarus died.  Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus.  And then Jesus raised him from the dead.  What a story!  Those men, they had BIG stories to tell.  

     The Bible is filled with people who have stories, really big stories.  But there are also small stories that are just as important.  People who lived their lives doing what God wanted them to do.  Sharing the ordinary day to day things just like we do now.  There are moments in life that we can look at and say, yep, that was all God.  It's those God-moments that are part of our story that we need to share.Those moments that you don't think are a big deal, but might be a big deal to someone else.

     I have a friend who shares of abuse that she suffered as a child.  Another who shares her story of addiction.  Another friend who shares her journey to find wellness in her life.  Another who shares his struggle through the loss of a loved one.  Another who shares the story of having a special needs child. Those people share their stories so that others will know they are not alone.  They share their stories to inspire others.  They share their stories to inform others.  They share their stories to connect with others. They share their stories to help them heal.  

     We all have a story to what's your story?

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