Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Year of Mercy

     Let me start by saying that I am not Catholic.  I listen to a lot of Catholic radio, I have family members and friends who are Catholic, but I am not.  So with that being said, I love that Pope Francis has called for a Year of Mercy.  I love that so many people, both Catholic and others, are focusing on mercy.  There is so much anger and bitterness in the world, that we all can use a good dose of mercy.  But what exactly is mercy?

     A quick search of the Internet says that mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone.  It also means kindness or help given to people in a bad or desperate situation.  Martin Luther said that mercy is the first work of God.  As a member of a Methodist church, I am called to do "Works of Mercy": doing good works, visiting the sick, visiting those in prison, feeding the hungry, and giving to others (see for more information).When I think of mercy, I think of forgiveness.  I think of kindness.  I think of a lack of anger.  I think of peace.  

     I think that I am pretty good about forgiving others.  It takes to much energy to stay angry.  I don't have enough energy to hang on to the bad things that have happened to me and go forward.  I am not sure that you can go forward if you allow the anger to grow inside.  I have people in my life that I have had to forgive in some really big biological father, my ex husband, a former boss, a close friend.  The hurt that was in my life has healed, because I forgave them.  Not because they asked for forgiveness, but because I needed to release the pain and hurt for myself.  

     I am not sure that I am as good about doing works of mercy though.  Jim and I did take a youth group to work at a soup kitchen in December (and we hope to do it again).  We are also going on a mission trip in the fall with our group.  But those are big things...where can I focus on doing smaller things that will show mercy?  We give often to Mountain Mission through our church.  There is always of box of donations in our home waiting for the next pick up.  When I am at the grocery store, how much will it take from my budget to buy a can or two of food for our local food bank?  If I can't go visit the sick or those that are home bound, can I send a card with a chatty letter?  I need to find more ways to do actual works of mercy as my faith calls me to do.

     Dynamic Catholic says that The Year of Mercy is an invitation to love, kindness, and generosity.  This is an invitation that is open to all of us.  Mercy has no limits.  We should all show mercy, do mercy, give mercy.  How much better can our world be if we were all focused on mercy...not just this year, but always?!

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