I have written about my family, but I haven't really written much about me. I am not big about talking about myself, but I really should give a little information about myself.
I am on my second (and last marriage). I have a teaching degree that I haven't used officially in over fifteen years. I have worked in retail for over eighteen years. I have spent most of my time in a office, but once I transfer, I will be working on third shift doing whatever needs to be done. The job change is pretty major, but I think it is the best option for my family right now.
I love to eat, cook, and try new recipes. I don't love to exercise. It is true that when you reach middle age, weight doesn't leave easily. I would use that as my excuse, but I have never been skinny. I would like to be healthier, which means both less weight and better condition. One step at a time in life!
I watch to much tv, I read books all the time. I often read books over and over again. Books have always been my comfort. I try to be crafty, sometimes the end result looks great, other times not so much. I try to be a good wife to Jim and a good mom to Delainey. I like to camp and hike. I don't like bugs or heat, so fall camping is the best! I try to be a good friend. My friends are very important to me. I tend to ramble and I talk to myself. I am a Christian who is learning and trying to live my life the best that I can.
There you go, that is me in a nutshell. Nothing exciting, just an ordinary woman trying to do the best that I can.
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